UPDATE: April 2020
This year we are happy to announce that Willows Hedgehog Rescue will be benefitting from aid with their veterinary care from Animal Saviours. For the last 10 years Willows has been rehabilitating injured and vulnerable hedgehogs, with the ultimate goal of returning them to the wild. Hedgehogs are under increasing pressure as their habitat shrinks and Willows important work is more important than ever. You can learn more about Willows and what you can do to support their work here: https://www.willowshedgehogrescue.co.uk.
Animal Saviours has extended its support of Wychbold Swan Rescue, which continues to do amazing work, into 2020. You can find out more about them here: http://. www.wychboldswanrescue.co.uk.

We are also continuing to support Penny Ha’Penny Horse & Pony Rescue, the work of Sue Penny is an inspiration and you can find out more about the work of the charity here: http://www.pennyhapenny.org.